The millennial mindset created a change in marketing strategies causing many companies to rethink what it means to advertise to a targeted audience. Potential buyers need to see an ad at least seven times before their interest is peaked sufficiently to invest their time and learn more about a product or service. So, how do you captivate an audience that is always plugged in and on the go, Media Caddy Florida has found the answer.

Media Caddy Florida Benefits Businesses With Modern Technology In Advertising
Currently, Florida is the largest platform Media Caddy has in the nation. With 360 locations and over 1400 Media Caddy's across the state including Tampa and Jacksonville, Media Caddy Florida is modernizing the advertising game creating a functional marketing tool that not only catches the eye of potential customer's but keeps them captivated and engaged while they're enjoying a meal or grabbing a drink.

Times they are a changing and standard advertising strategies just aren't effective in a millennial world. Static ads are ignored without a second glance. Media Caddy Florida is disrupting the advertising industry and providing effective advertising strategies with one click of a button. Purchase one ad on the Media Caddy platform and you receive 10 million impressions a month. That's 9x's the impressions of a static billboard advertisement. Media Caddy Florida provides competitive pricing and supplies a strategy designed to afford advertisers more impressions a day than the entire billboard industry of the southeast United States.
Media Caddy CEO Bill Silliman shared, "Currently, we're in the top 20 nationwide for out of home digital platforms. Media Caddy places a live targeted media advertisement directly in front of over 800,000 people a day for an average 56 minutes per person as they frequent local bars and restaurants. We're capturing a captive audience."

Media Caddy is engaging and functional. The caddy holds bar essentials like straws, napkins etc and comes standard with a USB cell phone charger on either side making it multifunctional for both the customer and the bar or restaurant, Media Caddy keeps your desired audience plugged in. Stop by these Orlando area restaurants to see what Media Caddy can do for you: Graffiti Junktion | Thornton Park, Elixir Orlando, The Hammered Lamb, The Abbey, Aloft Orlando Downtown and Ferg's Depot | Orlando.
Media Caddy Florida President, Elah Abisaab said this about the service, "If you want to gain traction in terms of brand awareness and increase sales, whatever your focus is in digital advertising, Media Caddy delivers better results than traditional advertising and performs better than many forms of digital advertising." (All photos by 407area Photographers)