Enjoy a magical journey based on the classic children's book, The Polar Express, by Chris Van Allsburg. This magical experience takes you and your children to the North Pole on board an actual train ride that recreates the movie.
Event Details
This magical experience takes you and your children to the North Pole on board an actual train ride that recreates THE POLAR EXPRESS™ movie. You will have your golden ticket punched by the conductor, experience the dancing chefs who will serve cocoa and a tasty treat, interact with the hobo and other characters from the movie, along with enjoying a reading of the classic children’s book THE POLAR EXPRESS™ by Chris Van Allsburg.
Upon arrival at the North Pole, Santa Claus and his elves will climb aboard and visit each family. Each child will receive a silver bell from Santa’s sleigh as the first gift of Christmas.
After a rousing series of Christmas caroling, you will return to Tavares and reality with a renewed sense of Christmas joy.
Immerse yourself even more in the magic of your ride by wearing your pajamas, just like the children on the train in the movie!
Upon arrival at the North Pole, Santa Claus and his elves will climb aboard and visit each family. Each child will receive a silver bell from Santa’s sleigh as the first gift of Christmas.
After a rousing series of Christmas caroling, you will return to Tavares and reality with a renewed sense of Christmas joy.
Immerse yourself even more in the magic of your ride by wearing your pajamas, just like the children on the train in the movie!
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michelle new update 6 years ago
What if you purchase a ticket, but then a person can’t make it ?
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