George & Amy DuBois, Stockworth Real Estate Group

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336 E. 5th Avenue
Windermere, FL 34786 ApopkaRate and review
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George and Amy are luxury property specialists with Stockworth Realty Group. With more than 13 years of real estate experience, they provide client-focused service to all their clients. As a former professional golfer, Amy is experienced at finding golf course properites best suited to her clients' needs. Prior to joining Amy as a real estate professional, George worked in the Pharmaceutical industry. His award winning experiences in sales, marketing and management have developed his ability to provide his clients with a high level of professionalism and service. Both hold bachelors degrees from The University of South Florida and Masters Degrees from Nova Southeastern University. Members of the Orlando Regional Realtors Association (ORRA), Florida Association of Realtors (FAR), Mid-Florida Regional Multiple Listing Service (MFRMLS) and The National Association of Realtors (NAR).

George and Amy and their two children, have lived in the town of Windermere since 2005. George serves on the Long Range Planning Committee, Amy is on the town Historical Board and is an active member of the community. They enjoy golfing, boating, exercising and spending time with family and friends.

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