Sat Mar 12, 7:00 AM - Sat Mar 12, 11:00 AM
201 Lakeview Drive, Kissimmee, FL 34741
Community: Kissimmee
March for Meals is a campaign to create awareness of senior hunger and to raise money for the Meals on wheels program in Osceola County.
Event Details
The 2022 March for Meals St. Patrick's 5K Run/Walk is a fun run with a clock at the finish line so you can see your time. We will be awarding the top 10 men and 10 women overall finishers plus the top 3 male and 3 female finisher 65+ This year, the event will be some days before St. Patrick's Day. Therefore we are making this event a "green" one! Wear your green colors and participate in our "Team Challenge". This will allow folks to sign-up a team and compete for team awards in the following categories; MOST SPIRITED TEAM & LARGEST TEAM.