St Petka Serbian Orthodox Church

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1990 Lake Emma Rd
Longwood, FL 32750 Lake MaryRate and review
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The construction of St. Petka Serbian Orthodox Church officially began in 2011. Architect Vladan Gluvacevic worked full-time for four years, overlooking the construction. Within the first months of the year, the old church was taken down, the basement was dug up, and the foundation was set. The conceration of the foundation was also held in on February 20th of 2011. The blessed event brought together about twenty priests from the Serbian and surrounding Orthodox churches to serve under the guidance of his Grace, Bishop Dr. Mitrophan. This historical event, along with the raising of the dome, brought the largest number of Serbian Orthodox people to any church event since the parish was formed. Within the church’s foundation, a charter was burried which reads: “Благовољењем Оца, учешћем Сина и садејством Светога Духа, положи се ова повеља и осветише се темељи цркве Преподобне Мајке Петке Параскеве, Орландо, Флорида, дана 20. фебруара 2011. године, за време Његове Светости Архиепископа Пећког, Митрополита Београдско-Карловачког и Патријарха Српског Господина Иринеја, Његовог Преосвештенства Епископа Источно-Америчког Господина Митрофана, пароха Орландског, пречасног Протонамесника Љубише Брњоша, архитекте Владана Глувачевића и Предсједника Црквено-школске општине Марка Зечевића.”

Today, this very young and active parish has 240 homes. Organizations within the church include Church School, Folklore Group “Serbian Crown”, Candle Workshop “Danica”, Bocce Club “Ravna Gora”, and S

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