A test of both endurance and gastro-intestinal fortitude, the STUFF YOUR FACE RACE is like no other in Central Florida! Run -- and eat -- your way to the finish line of a 3.1 or 6.2 mile course.
Event Details
A test of both endurance and gastro-intestinal fortitude, the STUFF YOUR FACE RACE is like no other in Central Florida! This unique, professionally-timed event challenges teams and/or individuals to run -- and eat -- your way to the finish line of a 3.1 or 6.2 mile course.
Not so sure about eating and running? That's okay. We understand! We offer a classic race option too so you can join the fun but skip the eating.
Participants will have the opportunity to fundraise for swag (and bragging rights!) and ultimately to support IMPOWER's life-changing mental health, substance misuse and child well-being programs aimed at inspiring life's potential and helping individuals and families lead safe, healthy, meaningful and productive lives.
Our mission is serious. Our event is not! So grab your friends, create outrageous outfits, laugh and run with abandon, and, of course, stuff your face! make sure everyone can participate we offer a number of ways to get involved! At registration, simply choose your desired distance and then follow the prompts to select the category that is right for you:
Four (4) Person Relay - 10K Distance: Take the Challenge and make it a team effort! You and three friends will work together to conquer a 10K course, eating and trading off along the way. Each runner will tackle an approximately 1.5-ish miles and one Athlete Food Tent - before tagging off to the next relay partner.
Individual Challenge (Eating) Option - 5K or 10K Distance: Choose this option if you're up for the challenge and want to Stuff Your Face along the course! Depending on your total distance, you'll cover 2 or 4 "legs" - each about 1.5-ish miles. After each leg you'll consume the food item at each of the Athlete Food Tents on the course before heading off to the finish line to compete for awards. {Note: participants must fully consume the menu item at each food station in order to be eligible for awards}
Individual Classic (Non-Eating) Option - 5K or 10K Distance: Choose this option if you want to enjoy a traditional race - without eating. You won't be eligible to stop at any of the Athlete Food Tents but can still join in on the fun and remain eligible for awards.
Virtual Race: Not in town o
Not so sure about eating and running? That's okay. We understand! We offer a classic race option too so you can join the fun but skip the eating.
Participants will have the opportunity to fundraise for swag (and bragging rights!) and ultimately to support IMPOWER's life-changing mental health, substance misuse and child well-being programs aimed at inspiring life's potential and helping individuals and families lead safe, healthy, meaningful and productive lives.
Our mission is serious. Our event is not! So grab your friends, create outrageous outfits, laugh and run with abandon, and, of course, stuff your face! make sure everyone can participate we offer a number of ways to get involved! At registration, simply choose your desired distance and then follow the prompts to select the category that is right for you:
Four (4) Person Relay - 10K Distance: Take the Challenge and make it a team effort! You and three friends will work together to conquer a 10K course, eating and trading off along the way. Each runner will tackle an approximately 1.5-ish miles and one Athlete Food Tent - before tagging off to the next relay partner.
Individual Challenge (Eating) Option - 5K or 10K Distance: Choose this option if you're up for the challenge and want to Stuff Your Face along the course! Depending on your total distance, you'll cover 2 or 4 "legs" - each about 1.5-ish miles. After each leg you'll consume the food item at each of the Athlete Food Tents on the course before heading off to the finish line to compete for awards. {Note: participants must fully consume the menu item at each food station in order to be eligible for awards}
Individual Classic (Non-Eating) Option - 5K or 10K Distance: Choose this option if you want to enjoy a traditional race - without eating. You won't be eligible to stop at any of the Athlete Food Tents but can still join in on the fun and remain eligible for awards.
Virtual Race: Not in town o
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