Don't listen to Orson Welles, You don't need 80 days to get around the world. Do it in just one day on Wall Street Plaza. Drink Around The World on April 28th is a celebration of epic global proportions. Wall Street Plaza will be featuring full-sized drinks from some of your favorite countries, including, Germany, Mexico, Italy, England, Ireland, the good old US, and more!
Around the World In One Day: Drink Around the World at Wall Street Plaza!
Admission includes entry, and unlimited full-sized beer and premium signature cocktails from your faves like Jameson, Stoli, Jager, Three Olives, 1800 Tequila and more. You won't need a passport to travel around each of the countries from 6p-9p. You can travel around the world without ever having to leave your own backyard. Get a little culture with your Cuervo for way less than the cost of airfare. Cheers, Sláinte, Prost, and Toast to Drink Around The World.
Ditch the trip to Epcot and drink around the world in Downtown Orlando. Want a chance to win a pair of tickets to Drink Around The World on Wall St. Plaza? Enter Below!
Wall St. Plaza | Win A Pair of Tickets to Drink Around The World on Wall St. Plaza!
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