St. Patrick's Day in Orlando offers more opportunity for Irish-inspired shenanigans than you can shake a shillelagh stick at. On March 17th everyone in Orlando will be a wee bit Irish and in search of the best St. Paddy's Day events in Orlando. We'd rather you spend more time drinking your favorite brands of Irish Whiskey and Green Beer so we took the luck out of it and created a list of the Best St. Patrick's Day Parties In Orlando. Get your green garbs ready for a day filled with fun to keep your Irish eyes smiling.
St. Patrick's Day 2017 Block Party | Wall St. Plaza
We’re all Irish on St. Patrick’s Day! Come out for the biggest and best St. Patrick’s Day Block Party in Orlando, with 7 green venues and 2 green city streets in the heart of Downtown! READ MORE: Shake Your Shamrocks This St. Patrick's Day On Wall Street Plaza

Church Street St. Patrick's Day Block Party -FREE GREEN BEER
When it comes to getting "LUCKY" this St.Patrick's Day, look no further than our Church Street Block Party from Chillers | Cahoots | Latitudes! READ MORE: Shillelagh's and Shenanigans on Church Street This St. Paddy's Day!

Alive @ 5 St. Patrick's Day | Church Street District
Alive@Five – St Patrick's Day Takeover at The Church Street District. Get your green beer on early with $5 all you can drink Coors Light from 5pm-8pm.

Want Your St. Patrick's Day Event added to our Orlando Guide? Contact Chris:
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