The newest bar added to the Downtown Orlando scene simply known as Shots packs a punch with a full menu of you guessed it....Shots. On Friday, October 13th the Miami based brand will be hosting their official SHOTS Orlando Grand Opening for their second bar location in Florida.

The new bar in Orlando has a shot for every occasion and personality. Take a "Selfie" or "Hashtag". Feel like a "Gold Digger"? Or perhaps you prefer a super shot named after your favorite Marvel or DC characters. You can also choose from a few bad decisions or dessert shots. Swing by and sample the shot of the week and check out their full menu of over 30+ shots. Be prepared for a grand opening filled with shenanigans, swag, and special entertainment throughout the night. RSVP and your first drink is on the house before 10pm.
This Friday Night in Orlando make plans to experience the newest member of the Downtown Orlando bar family during the grand opening of SHOTS Orlando from 5pm-2am.