Where the good ‘ol days and modern comforts collide into family recipes, twisted classics, and fresh food. This Neighborhood Kitchen's name is the Outpost. College Park voted, and by a landslide the winner is the Outpost.
Like other restaurants might be a grill or tavern, we are a Neighborhood Kitchen. Menu will include old family recipes including some submitted by the neighborhood's residents and may feature a Florida small business, hand-crafted ingredient. We'll have craft beers to drink and some of those will be infused to the menu too! We'll offer wine on tap and by the bottle,we also have a full liquor bar with a selection of custom craft cocktails, in addition to Sunday Brunch, and Sunday Family Suppers.
If you have a recipe you'd like to submit or an old family or College Park photo to include on the bar top, email julie@outpostcollegepark.com.
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