Something might offend you, but it will never be the food!
The "Anything Goes" approach to food, wall art, hot sauce & life in general
Eat what you like how you like it & as hot & as wet as you want it
Colors are for crayons, not tortilla chips
Hot sauce = bragging rights!
Crushed ice can take you to your happy place
Predictable is too normal, normal is too predictable
Hot is the new cool
Mexican is a culture, not a theme
We deal in heat, wetness & innuendo & we've heard all the stupid jokes
Embrace the strange & unexplained, if at first you don't understand it, maybe you never will
Hot rods, dragons, gas masks & cold beer all go great with our burritos
Lighten up or leave
Accept all kinds of people, even those who use mild sauce
Science fiction makes a good back drop
It only burns for a little while
We'll clean up the mess, so get messy
Sometimes, cheesy is good
Try the hot bar, even if it's on a dare
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