Gay Days® began in 1991 as a single designated day (always the first Saturday in June) when the LesBiGay community and friends were encouraged to "Wear Red and Be Seen" while visiting the world's most popular theme parks (Orlando, FL). From it's beginnings (spearheaded by the LGBT Community Center, local activists, businesses, and the online friends and users of Compu-Who) with 3,000 attendees, this one-day park visit has evolved into a week long, citywide celebration offering round the clock activities including multiple theme park visits, cocktail soirees, concerts, and a host of internationally renowned parties. Gay Days® attracts over 180,000 celebrants from across the nation and around the globe!
We're GayDayS.com proud to be your host and a driving force behind the success and growth of the Official Gay Days®. With a click of the mouse you can plan your entire Gay Days® itinerary, including and online ticket ordering and hotel reservations. #OfficialGayDays #GayDays #Original
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